Before you begin...

The Living and Thriving Project seeks to evaluate your confidence and knowledge through a web-based learning program. In addition to the program content, the study involves an initial registration survey of participant characteristics.

Participation in this project is voluntary, refusal to participate will involve no penalty, and you may discontinue participation at any time. Any information you provide during this program will be kept confidential. Your information will help to improve the programs for future users. All information obtained from this project will be managed securely and only accessible to approved project personnel; information collected here will not be shared with your medical providers and will not affect your medical care. All related future publications will be free of identifiable information. The Columbia University Medical Center IRB and the Office for Human Research Protections may have access to the project.

We foresee minimal risk for participating in this project. You will not receive personal (direct) benefit from taking part in this research study. However, the information collected from this research may help others in the future.

If there are any questions or concerns please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Heather Greenlee, Principal Investigator of the Living and Thriving Project and Assistant Professor at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University phone number or by email. You may also contact the Medical Center Institutional Review Board at (212) 305-5883. (reference # IRB-AAAP7959)

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